Basic Wrist / Elbow Rehabilitation Protocol
Wrist Extension Stretch
- Hold wrist as shown
- Bend the wrist until you feel a stretch
- Hold for 8 to 10 seconds
- Repeat this stretch 10 times
Wrist Flexion Stretch
- Hold wrist as shown
- Bend the wrist until you feel a stretch
- Hold for 8 to 10 seconds
- Repeat this stretch 10 times
Wrist Extension
- Sit with arm supported as shown
- Hold____ lb weight in hand
- Curl wrist slowly upward
- Hold for 8 to 10 seconds, then lower slowly
- Complete exercise for 3 sets of 10 repititions
Wrist Flexion
- Sit with arm supported as shown
- Hold____ lb weight in hand
- Curl wrist slowly upward
- Hold for 8 to 10 seconds, then slowly lower wrist
- Complete exercise for 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Radial Deviation
- Stand holding a weight (PVC, hammer, dumbbell)
- The further out you hold the object, the harder the exercise
- Raise weight upward as shown in pictures
- Hold for 5 seconds and then lower slowly
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10 repititions


Ulnar Deviation
- Stand holding a weight (PVC, hammer, dumbbell)
- The further out you hold the object, the harder the exercise
- Raise weight upward as shown in pictures
- Hold for 5 seconds and then lower slowly
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10 repititions


- Support arm on table
- Hold weight (PVC, hammer, or dumbbell) in hand as shown
- The further out you hold the weight the harder the exercise
- Let the weight turn your palm face down
- Hold there for 5 seconds
- Slowly bring the weight to an upright 90 degree position
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10 repetition
- Support arm on table
- Hold weight (PVC, hammer, or dumbbell) in hand as shown
- The further out you hold the weight the harder the exercise
- Let the weight turn your palm face up
- Hold there for 5 seconds
- Slowly bring the weight to an upright 90 degree position
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10 repetition
- Hold a stress ball, a racquet ball, or something soft in your hand as shown
- Squeeze as firmly as you can
- Hold for 5 seconds
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10 repititions