Basic Shoulder Rehabilitation Protocol


Saratoga Upper Body Ergometer
Cybex Upper Body Ergometer

Complete an active warm-up prior to any stretching and/or exercise routine. Complete the UBE for a total of 8-10minutes with backwards and forward motions.

Codman's Exercise


Assume the position as shown, letting the injured arm hang relaxed. Sway your body back and forth to start a pendulum action of the arm. Do not let your arm tense up. Repeat, with the arm moving side to side.

Repeat, with the arm moving counterclockwise and clockwise. Repeat each motion for one minute.

Horizontal Abduction Shoulder Stretch

Horizontal adduction shoulder stretch

Assume the position shown by bringing the injured shoulder across the front of the body. Use the opposite hand to grab the elbow and pull injured arm across the body until you feel a stretch in shoulder. Hold stretch for 10 second. Repeat for 1 set of 10-15 reps.

Apley's Stretch (internal rotation/abduction)

Apley's stretch

Stand with a towel as shown, with injured arm/shoulder behind back.
Stretch the arm up behind your back by pulling upward on the towel with the other hand for assistance.
Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat stretch for 1 set of 10-15 reps.

Isometric Contraction??? What is it???
An isometric contraction is the contraction of a muscle, against stationary resistance, without moving the joint through active range of motion. For example: contracting the shoulder muscles by pushing against the wall.

Shoulder Isometrics

Shoulder abduction
Shoulder Abduction 
Shoulder ext
Shoulder Extension 
Shoulder IR
Shoulder Internal Rotation 
shoulder ER
Shoulder External Rotation 

Stand along a wall as shown with injured shoulder along wall. Use a pillow between arm and wall.
Push arm into the wall/pillow. Hold the "contraction" for 10 seconds.
Repeat exercise for 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps.

Shoulder Abduction

dumbell shoulder abduction
finish of dumbell s houlder abd
theraband shoulder abd.

Start with dumbbell in hand with arm at side. Lift weight up to the side. (Try to obtain full range of motion. If pain occurs then complete the range of motion before pain is present.) Slowly lower arm down to side. Complete this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps. Complete same exercise using a theraband for resistance.

Shoulder Extension

start shoulder ext
finish shoulder ext
theraband extensions
theraband shoulder ext.

Place injured arm in the "start" position as shown with dumbbell in hand. Slowly extend arm backwards. Stay within pain free range of motion. Return to start position and complete exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps. Additionally, the same exercise can be completed with using a theraband for resistance.

Shoulder Flexion

dumbbell shoulder flexion
finish of shoulder dumbbell flexion
theraband shoulder flexion

Place injured arm in the "start" position as shown with dumbbell in hand. Slowly raise arm forwards. Stay within pain free range of motion. Return to start position and complete exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps. Additionally, the same exercise can be completed with using a theraband for resistance.

Shoulder Scaption ("Empty Can")

dumbbell empty can
dumbbell empty can
theraband empty can

Place injured arm in the "start" position as shown with dumbbell in hand. It is very important to keep the thumb down throughout this exercise as if emptying a can of soda. Slowly raise arm to side on a 45 degree angle, (not out to the side and not out to the front but in between). Stay within pain free range of motion by stopping at 90 degrees. Return to start position and complete exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps. Additionally the same exercise can be completed with using a theraband for resistance.

Shoulder External Rotation w/ Dumbbell and/or Theraband

dumbbell lying ER
lying shoulder dumbbell ER
Theraband ER at 0
finish of theraband ER at 0

Lay on your non-injured side holding a dumbbell in the start position shown. Slowly rotate at the shoulder, lifing dumbbell up and away from body. Be sure to pivot at the elbow. Keep elbow pinned to your side. Complete exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps. This exercise can also be done with Theraband as shown. Remember to pivot at the elbow. Stand so that there is enough tension on the Theraband throughout the entire range of motion.

Shoulder Internal Rotation w/ Dumbbell and/or Theraband

lying dumbbell IR
Dumbbell IR
Theraband IR
theraband IR

Lay on injured side, holding the dumbbell in the position shown. The elbow should be bent at a 90deg. angle and held against the body. Slowly rotate at the shoulder bringing the hand up and in towards the body. Slowly return to the start position in a controlled manner. This exercise can also be performed using theraband. Be sure to keep elbow at side with tension on band throughout the entire range of motion. Complete both exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps.

Horizontal Abduction
w/ Dumbbell - Lying Prone

prone horizontal abduction
dumbell prone horizontal abduction

Lay on your stomach with injured arm hanging off side of bed/treatment table with dumbbell in hand. Slowly lift arm until it is parallel with the floor. Slowly return to start position. Complete this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps.

Horizontal Abduction w/ Theraband

theraband hor. abd.
theraband horz. abd.

This is another way to strengthen the thoracic region. Complete exercise as shown squeezing shoulder blades together. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps. Do not hold reps.

Shoulder Protraction w/ Dumbbell

dumbbell protraction

Lay on your back (on the floor or on a bed) with arm straight up as shown. Push arm straight up as if trying to touch the ceiling. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds then return to the start position. Complete this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps.

Shoulder Retractions w/ Dumbbell

dumbbell retraction
dumbbell retraction

With a dumbbell in hand, lean over as shown supporting yourself with your other arm on a stationary object. Shrug the involved shoulder upwards squeezing shoulder blades together. Hold for 3-5 seconds and then return to start position. Complete this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps.



This is another way to strengthen the thoracic region. Complete exercise as shown squeezing shoulder blades together. Be sure to keep elbows parallel to floor. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps. Do not hold reps.

Shoulder Shrugs


This exercise will help strengthen the trapezius muscle with is completed in a simple shrug. Use dumbbells or theraband to complete this exercise. Simply hold on to the resistance device and shrug your shoulders. For best results rotate shoulders backwards when doing this shrug. Complete this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps. Do not hold reps.