Hamstring Stretch with Rope
- Lie on back holding injured leg with rope(or a towel) as shown.
- Keep the opposite leg straight on table/floor as shown.
- Pull rope until you feel a stretch on the back side of your leg (hamstrings).
- Hold each stretch for 10 seconds.
- Repeat stretch for a set of 10.
Standing Quad Stretch
- Stand holding ankle as shown.
- Use a wall for support and balance.
- Bend the knee upward so that you feel a stretch in the front ofthe leg (Quadriceps).
- As you bend the knee, make sure the thigh stays in line with your body as shown
- Hold each stretch for 10 seconds.
- Repeat stretch for a set of 10.
Gastroc and Soleus Stretch
- Position your body against a wall as shown with one foot behind.
- Point toes directly toward wall and hold heel down.
- Lean into the wall as shown so that you feel a stretch.
- Try this stretch with the knee straight (Gastroc/calf stretch) and then with the
knee bent (Soleus) stretch.
- Hold stretch for 10 seconds.
- Repeat stretch for a set of 10.


SOLEUS Stretch
TKEs (Terminal Knee Extensions)
- Lie on your back with a 4-6 towel roll under your knee as shown.
- Place a ankle weight on your ankle(between 1-5 lbs).
- Contract your Quadricep (thigh muscle) and then raise your heel off surface until
knee is completelyextended as shown.
- Hold in extension for 5 seconds and then slowly lower.
- Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
SLR (Straight Leg Raise)
- Lie on back with injured leg straight and other leg bent as shown.
- Place a small ankle weight around ankle (1/2 - 4 lbs).
- Keep the leg completely straight, contract quad (thigh muscle), then slowly raise
it so that it is even with the bent leg (as shown).
- Then slowly lower the leg to the table/floor.
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
SLR (Straight Leg Raise) Abduction
- Place a ankle cuff around ankle (1/2-4 lbs).
- Lie on non-injuried side.
- Contract quad (thigh muscle) of top leg and slowly raise leg straight up (as shown)
without letting it come forward. Stay in line with body.
- Slowly lower leg to table/floor.
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
SLR (Straight Leg Raise) Adduction
- Place a ankle cuff around ankle (1/2-4 lbs).
- Lie on injured side.
- Contract quad (thigh muscle) of bottom leg and slowly raise leg straight up (as shown)
without letting it come forward. Stay in line with body.
- Slowly lower leg to table/floor.
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
SLR (Straight Leg Raise) Extension
- Place a ankle cuff around ankle (1/2-4 lbs).
- Lie on your stomach.
- Slowly raise leg straight up (as shown).
- Slowly lower leg to table/floor.
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Standing Leg Curl
- Stand holding onto a solid object as shown.
- Place a ankle weight on your injured leg's ankle, (1-10 lb).
- Slowly bend knee.
- Hold for 3-5 seconds and then slowly lower leg.
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Leg Extensions
- Sit on edge of table or bed.
- Place a 1-10 lb ankle weight on ankle of injured leg.
- Straighten leg slowly.
- Hold for 3-5 seconds fully extended.
- Slowly lower leg.
- Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Wall Squats (a.k.a. wall balls)
- You can do this exercise best with a ball, but the exercise can be done with just
wearing a T-shirt, (see picture below).
- Find a wall that is free of objects.
- Place ball behind back as shown.
- Stand with feet shoulder width apart and out in front of you. (start phase)
- Slowly lower yourself down along the wall. (finish phase). Allow your lower back
to roll under ball.
- Do Not let your knees go out past your toes. If this happens then move feet out
in front of you more.
- For advanced training, hold the finish stage for 10 sec.
- Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 10-15.

(w/o Ball)
- Begin in a standing position as shown.
- Step one leg forward.
- Slowly lower yourself until your knee is about 4-6 off of ground or until your back
leg forms 90 degree angle.
- Return to standing position by pushing yourself back up.
- You can repeat exercise on same leg or you can alternate.
- If space allows you may continue forward with lunges alternating with each leg.
- With advanced versions you may hold dumbbells in each hand as added resistance.