Cardio Warm-up
Eliptical Trainers |
Recumbant Bikes |
Be sure to complete a 10-20 minutes cardio warm-up prior to stretching and exercising.
This will help in preventing injuries and provide better results.
Place both hands against the wall as shown. Thecalf that is to be stretched should
be the back leg. This involved leg (knee) should be locked out during this stretch.
Point toes directly toward wall and hold heel down.
Lean into the wall as shown so that you feel a stretchin the calf area.
Try this stretch with the knee straight (Gastroc/calf stretch) and then with the
knee bent (Soleus) stretch.
Hold stretch for 10 seconds.
Repeat stretch for a set of 10.
Sit on the floor with injured ankle/leg straight out in front of you. Place a roll or rolled up towel under the calf to place the ankle up off the floor which will allow freer movements. Place the theraband around the ball of the foot as shown in the start position. Slowly point toes against the resistance and then slowly return to the start position. Complete this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps.
Sit on the floor with injured ankle/leg straight out in front of you. Place a roll or rolled up towel under the calf to place the ankle up off the floor which will allow freer movements. Place the theraband around the upper part of the foot as shown in the start position. Position your body so that the theraband and your leg form a 90deg angle as shown in the photo and that the theraband is pulling the ankle inward. Slowly rotate the ankle in an outward motion. Be sure NOT to rotate the leg during this exercise. Only move the ankle. Slowly return to the start position. Complete this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps.
Sit on the floor with injured ankle/leg straight out in front of you. Place a roll or rolled up towel under the calf to place the ankle up off the floor which will allow freer movements. Place the theraband around the upper part of the foot as shown in the start position. Position your body so that your the theraband is pulling your ankle outward. Slowly rotate the ankle in an inward against the theraband resistance. Be sure NOT to rotate the leg during this exercise. Only move the ankle. Slowly return to the start position. Complete this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps.